Repaint Reporter

Special Edition – State of the Industry

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At PPG Refinish we take a partnership approach to support the success of our customers—an approach that has helped our customers respond to the changing needs of the refinish marketplace and compete successfully. Today, that spirit of collaboration continues with this "State of the Industry" issue of Repaint Reporter. Working with refinish thought leaders and experts throughout PPG, it explores the most pressing topics in collision repair. We hope this special edition delivers the ideas and inspiration to help you reach your goals. 3 InduSTRy RoundTAble Seven refinish experts provide their insights on the industry's biggest questions. 8 ColoR'S PeRfeCT MATCh Across the globe, PPG is dedicated to advancing the science of color matching. 10 WATeRboRne IS The fuTuRe The most advanced paint technology is fast becoming the industry standard. 14 buSIneSS develoPMenT PPG's MVP program offers the resources to operate a sustainable, profitable business. 16 IT'S AlWAyS TRAInInG dAy Knowledge is the ultimate competitive edge, so PPG offers the industry's most comprehensive training program. 18 PPG'S hISToRy of InnovATIon A roadmap to over 100 years of advancing paint technology and efficiency. Follow us online: www.PPGrefiniSh.coM ©2014 PPG Industries All rights reserved. The PPG logo, Bringing innovation to the surface, ColorMobile, RapidMatch, PaintManager, TouchMix, ColorAccurate, Envirobase, Aquabase, Ditzler, Duracryl, Deltron, Nexa Autocolor, One Visit, CeramiClear, Delta, Delfleet and Delfleet Essential are trademarks of PPG Industries ohio, Inc. Part no. PAMRRle214, 2/14 lITho In uSA PPG RePaint RePoRteR SPeciAL eDiTion winTer 2014 executive editoR criSTinA fronzAGLiA cReative diRectoR T. Jon worDen desiGn diRectoR DAVe BuffinGTon desiGn staFF MArK frAnciSco BoB SAnToro ManaGinG editoR MereDiTh SiMPSon contRibutinG editoR KeLLY BALL wRiteRs cAThY neLSon John wooDwArD T. Jon worDen PRoduction ManaGeR SheLLie hiLL contRibutinG PhotoGRaPheRs chriS cLor, John JAcKSon, John SoBczAK PPG rePAinT rePorTer iS PuBLiSheD BY The coMMunicATionS DePArTMenT of PPG AuToMoTiVe refiniSh. SenD coMMenTS AnD queSTionS reGArDinG ThiS PuBLicATion To: PPG inDuSTrieS rePAinT rePorTer eDiTor 19699 ProGreSS DriVe STronGSViLLe, ohio 44149 refincoMMDPT@PPG.coM or, fAx To: (440) 572-6880 LooKinG for ADDiTionAL coPieS of ThiS PPG rePAinT rePorTer iSSue? LiMiTeD coPieS Are AVAiLABLe BY conTAcTinG Your LocAL PPG DiSTriBuTor or PPG SALeSPerSon.

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