Repaint Reporter

Repaint Reporter (v72 n1)

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18 6 10 3 ON THE COVER: Checkered Past, recipient of the 2013 Ridler Award. 6 KINDIG-IT DESIGN in Utah, Kindig-it design is doing their part to keep the west wild. 10 THE KARL WAY Owner Carl Moyer's competitive spirit drives the success of Karl Chevrolet and a custom Corvette enterprise. 18 THREE FOR CHARLEY Checkered Past is the latest Ridler Award winner to wear a custom finish by Charley Hutton. PPG RePaint RePoRteR VOLUMe 72, NUMbeR 1 SPRiNG 2013 executive editoR CRiSTiNA FRONzAGLiA cReative diRectoR T. JON WORdeN desiGn diRectoR dAVe bUFFiNGTON desiGn staff MARK FRANCiSCO bOb SANTORO ManaGinG editoR MeRediTH SiMPSON contRibutinG editoR LORA PARLOVe WRiteRs eLi GReeNbAUM CATHy NeLSON JOHN WOOdWARd T. JON WORdeN PRoduction ManaGeR SHeLLie HiLL contRibutinG PhotoGRaPheRs bARbARA bLOOM JON GLOVeR JOHN JACKSON CAde MARTiN dAVid NUFeR JOHN SObCzAK PPG RePAiNT RePORTeR iS PUbLiSHed by THe COMMUNiCATiONS dePARTMeNT OF PPG AUTOMOTiVe ReFiNiSH. SeNd COMMeNTS ANd qUeSTiONS ReGARdiNG THiS PUbLiCATiON TO: PPG iNdUSTRieS RePAiNT RePORTeR ediTOR 19699 PROGReSS dRiVe STRONGSViLLe, OHiO 44149 ReFiNCOMMdPT@PPG.COM OR, FAx TO: (440) 572-6880 LOOKiNG FOR AddiTiONAL COPieS OF THiS PPG RePAiNT RePORTeR iSSUe? LiMiTed COPieS ARe AVAiLAbLe by CONTACTiNG yOUR LOCAL PPG diSTRibUTOR OR PPG SALeSPeRSON. PPG diSTRibUTORS CAN ORdeR by CONNeCTiNG TO PPG CeNTRAL ViA ANd USiNG THe PART NUMbeR ON bACK COVeR. dePaRtMents 4 iNSide LiNe Greg deCamp, GM Sales & Marketing, Automotive Refinish USCA, reflects on PPG's global leadership in coatings and its value to the customer. 5 TeAM PPG PPG acquisitions, Toyota's Triple Crown Award, PPG Platinum distributor of the year and more. 14 FeATURe Sherwood Ford takes a strategic step forward with its switch to waterborne basecoat. 21 PROFiLe Life in the fast lane—Korek designs has proven their work is as formidable at car shows as it is at the drag strip. 22 TeCH TALK Ryan Korek guides you step-by-step through the unique design and application challenges when creating a custom dragster finish. 24 iN LiViNG COLOR From drawing board to the factory to the collision shop, learn how PPG is involved in every stage of a car color's life. 28 WHAT'S NeW Coming soon—new diTzLeR ® Hot Rod black. 30 PPG SPOTLiGHT it's the company first responders rely on. Meet Osage Ambulance, manufacturer of custom- built emergency vehicles. 32 GALLeRy A showcase of prized possessions wearing PPG finishes. 36 MARKeTiNG ON deMANd Create customized marketing materials at the PPG Marketing On demand website. Follow us online:

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