Repaint Reporter

Repaint Reporter (v71 n1)

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speed up our production and improve our cycle times." Even though he works mostly in metal, Kevin was impressed with Envirobase High Performance and its ease of use. "i have to do some painting, from time to time," he said. "i was amazed. it's really user-friendly." Another deciding factor in choosing PPG was its PaintManager ™ software. Both brothers agree the paint management system enables them to do more accurate matches while improving profitability. "the management side of it is really good, with the tracking and the charging out materials," doug said. "it was a nice change from what i'd been using." seven years after opening their doors, 2Brothers Collision is still booming. the facility has tripled in size to over 17,000 square feet, including a brand new building with an office and three state-of- the-art paint booths—two running full- time and a third to cover spikes in the workload. the Meadows brothers now employ 21 full-time employees, and are prepared to add more in the future. Best yet, their father works in the accounting department and doug has two sons working in the shop—Ryan as a full- time painter and Jordon as part-time car prep. so what was once a brotherly outfit is transforming into a multi-generational family operation. "doing it together makes it all that much sweeter," said Kevin. " WE'VE AlWAys WANtEd to BE A lEAdER iN ouR AREA—WitH tECHNoloGy, EquiPMENt, FACility ANd MANPoWER. WE Just WANtEd to BE tHE BEst." DouG meaDoWs 30

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