Repaint Reporter

Repaint Reporter (v71 n1)

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20 10 14 3 On the COver the 1964 oldsmobile Holiday Coupe, owned by Kevin Pettit of spotsylvania, Va., is among the thousands of customs attending the Goodguys PPG Nationals, held in Columbus, ohio. Pettit teamed with fellow painter darren Wenzel of Gasoline Art, Austin, texas, to create the bedazzling, multi-colored PPG finish. Departments 4 iNsidE liNE Randy Cremeans, marketing director, collision segment, foretells a bright future for PPG's waterborne basecoat systems. 5 tEAM PPG the 2011 Platinum distributor of the year and more news from PPG. 8 PRoduCt uPdAtE Gun it! Envirobase ® High Performance offers new products to dramatically improve cycle time. 18 PPG sPotliGHt Meet Pierre-Marie de leener, a PPG executive vice president with a serious passion for paint and the race track. 20 tECH tAlK Vintage faux patina—make your projects radiate old school cool. 24 iN liViNG ColoR Now online identification of a vehicle's correct color code is as simple as point and click. 26 tAKiNG CARE oF BusiNEss Accentuating the positive drives the marketing efforts at one of Arkansas' most successful shops. 28 sHoP PRoFilE the Meadows brothers prove that a passion for automotive refinish runs in the family. 33 GAllERy Get inspired with outstanding painted rides from the PPG showcase. 36 WHAt's NEW A superfast 2.1 clearcoat for Aquabase ® Plus basecoat. 6 ALL-AROUND GOODGUYS PPG partnership pays off for hot rod enthusiasts 10 FLYING INTO HISTORY PPG helps preserve national treasures at the smithsonian 14 JODY PEREWITZ rides into the record book at the Bonneville salt Flats ppG repaint reporter VoluME 71, NuMBER 1 sPRiNG 2012 executive eDitor CRistiNA FRoNzAGliA creative Director t. JoN WoRdEN DesiGn Director dAVE BuFFiNGtoN DesiGn staff MARK FRANCisCo BoB sANtoRo manaGinG eDitor MEREditH siMPsoN Writers t. JoN WoRdEN Eli GREENBAuM CAtHy NElsoN JoHN WoodWARd proDuction manaGer sHElliE Hill contributinG photoGraphers AMy Ellis JoHN JACKsoN dAVid NuFER PPG REPAiNt REPoRtER is PuBlisHEd By tHE AdVERtisiNG dEPARtMENt oF PPG AutoMotiVE REFiNisH. sENd CoMMENts ANd quEstioNs REGARdiNG tHis PuBliCAtioN to: PPG iNdustRiEs REPAiNt REPoRtER EditoR 19699 PRoGREss dRiVE stRoNGsVillE, oHio 44149 REFiNCoMMdPt@PPG.CoM oR, FAx to: (440) 572-6880 looKiNG FoR AdditioNAl CoPiEs oF tHis PPG REPAiNt REPoRtER issuE? liMitEd CoPiEs ARE AVAilABlE ViA tWo EAsy WAys oF oRdERiNG: 1) CoNNECt to PPG CENtRAl ViA WWW.PPGCENtRAl.Biz oR 2) FAx A CoMPlEtEd AdVERtisiNG oRdER FoRM to 1 (800) 982-9518 PlEAsE REFERENCE PARt NuMBER oN BACK CoVER

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