Repaint Reporter

Repaint Reporter (v71 n1)

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smiLes aheaD 26 at a GLance 1997 yEAR EstABlisHEd 18,000 sq. Ft. $2+ MillioN ANNuAl sAlEs 11 EMPloyEEs 2 PAiNt BootHs envirobase ® hiGh performance PAiNt systEM tAKING CAre oF BUSINeSS From his vantage point as the owner of one of Arkansas' most successful collision centers, Jody Gatchell has a lot to be happy about. But at A&J Collision Repair, happiness is more than the byproduct of success, it's both the end goal and the route to it. "Most people look at the collision center experience as something they hope they never have again," says Gatchell, owner of A&J Collision Repair. "We tend to look at the lighter side of things, and that has helped us stand out." successful campaigns have included a billboard featuring Gumby ("Fender bender leave ya hangin'?") and ads featuring Jody in superman garb exclaiming, "super service is on its way." the shop has also been known to deliver smiley face cookies to area businesses touting "service guaranteed to bring a smile to your face." Jody recalled an effective in-shop marketing campaign that had employees wearing t-shirts that said, "My job makes me (smile)." Customers liked them so much Jody created a second version: "My collision center makes me (smile)." "Jody has become a bit of a marketing genius," says PPG territory Manager scott smith. "From the way he markets himself to other businesses to helping create a regional newspaper featuring only the 'good news,' Jody is definitely one who is not afraid to try a different approach." Not surprisingly, Jody decided early on (in 2007) to switch to the Envirobase ® High Performance waterborne paint system. A&J Collision Repair was the first collision center in Arkansas to make the move to waterborne basecoat—a differentiating factor that they lost no time in promoting with customers. "We had people who came ARKANsAs' A&J CollisioN REPAiR MAKEs doiNG BusiNEss A PlEAsuRE FoR its CustoMERs

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