Repaint Reporter

Repaint Reporter (v71 n1)

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punching in every morning at the same dealership—Kevin specializing in frame and metal, doug in paint. of course, they had bigger aspirations than just working in the same garage. they wanted to open their own shop, and by 2005, it was slowly coming together, piece by piece. they bought land in their hometown. they looked into financing and equipment. then, without warning, the dealership's staff was called into a meeting. the body shop was being closed Even as teenagers, the Meadows brothers enjoyed working with each other. they spent hours in their mother's garage, tearing apart junkers and bringing them back to life. to no one's surprise, they both ended up in the collision business, even TWO bROTHERS. 28 2brothers collision 2brothers collision " it WAs RouGH tHE FiRst yEAR. ouR PEoPlE HAd to BE PAid BEFoRE WE did." Kevin meaDoWs WHEN KEViN ANd douG MEAdoWs lost tHEiR JoBs, it WAs tiME to PuRsuE tHEiR sHAREd MissioN— to stARt A CollisioN sHoP FRoM sCRAtCH

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