Envirobase® High Performance

Envirobase® High Performance Overview Brochure

Issue link: https://ppgrefinish-na.uberflip.com/i/391867

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CONFIDENCE CONSULTATION AND PLANNING The Convert with Confidence process ensures that proper planning, technician training and the right application environment is in place to make a smooth, seamless transition. It begins with a survey of your facility and equipment to ensure it can accommodate the maximum performance of the waterborne system. From there, your distributor and PPG representative will provide equipment recommendations, outline a training plan, and develop a timetable for the conversion. TECHNICIAN TRAINING To ensure paint technicians are at ease working with their new waterborne refinish system, plans are made for technicians to attend the Envirobase High Performance training course prior to conversion day. Taught by the industry's most experience instructors, the hands-on course covers application techniques, spot repair and blending, waste handling, color adjustment and more. ONSITE TRAINING On conversion day, a team of PPG experts will be on-site to guarantee a trouble-free switch. Working alongside your technicians, they offer guidance on application, waste stream and color tool training, all while maintaining the facility's normal work routine. Most importantly, PPG experts will stay on hand until everyone is confident using the Envirobase High Performance system. CONTINUOUS SERVICE AND SUPPORT When partnering with PPG and your PPG distributor, your collision center benefits from a long-term commitment to keep your paint operation moving progressively forward and capitalizing on the full potential of a PPG waterborne system. This commitment covers a well-orchestrated range of service, product innovation, continuing education, and business support initiatives. Switching paint technologies is an important decision. That's why PPG created the CONVERT WITH CONFIDENCE ® program to help collision centers make a seamless transition to the Envirobase High Performance system. Based on thousands of conversions to waterborne, this step-by-step process ensures your shop doesn't miss a beat. To ensure long-term success, our waterborne customers benefit from a comprehensive CONTINUE WITH CONFIDENCE ™ program of ongoing service, training and support. O N LY P P G C A N H E L P Y O U C O N V E R T

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