PPG Refinish / Refinition PPG PPG Refinish / Refinition PPG @PPGRefinish_NA

@SEMASHOW is only 2.5 short weeks away and we have unleashed the appearance schedule for our booth (24600)! Stop by for meet-and-greets with some of the industry’s top names. Find out who will be greeting fans during the show here: https://t.co/hawrkfX3dq https://t.co/q39F6lNdiI

6:52 PM - 17 Oct 19
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PPG Refinish

@NorthAmericanCV starts next week! If you've ever wanted to learn more about our new Delfleet One™ paint sy...

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PPG Refinish

Make sure you are getting the most from your spray gun by taking good care of it! In today's tech tip we go...