Repaint Reporter

Repaint Reporter (v71 n1)

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19 "i'm a good 'gentleman driver,' not a professional. My only purpose is to have a good weekend enjoying racing with my son." de leener applies that same focus and energy to PPG. the crossover appeal between automotive refinish and racing may seem obvious because it's all about cars; the PPG connection, though, runs deeper. de leener likes what he sees across PPG's global refinish business. "We talk about 'accelerating' our leadership in product quality," says de leener. "you always want to be in front in terms of technological research, training, manufacturing facilities and innovation, just as you want to be out in front in racing. PPG's corporate culture promotes a high standard of excellence. that 'forward' thinking and awareness is hard to beat. i also don't think it's a coincidence that the Envirobase ® brand has the words High Performance in its name." de leener confidently points out the PPG track record in refinish. "We have a fantastic combination of resources and capabilities that make us leaders in the global refinish industry," he says. "the refinish products we've developed and engineered over time are second to none. And we continue to add new and innovative products to remain ahead of our competitors." it's all about passion, in everything you do. Working for PPG and racing some of the world's fastest cars inspire de leener to put his pedal—and PPG's paint—to the metal. did you KNoW? ppG refinish is oem on toDaY's "supercars" Most PEoPlE doN't REAlizE tHAt PPG REFiNisH tECHNoloGy is Also usEd FoR tHE oRiGiNAl FiNisH oN A stABlE oF ElitE EuRoPEAN "suPERCARs," iNCludiNG tHE $1.3 MillioN, 700-HoRsEPoWER PAGANi HuAyRA, MAdE iN itAly; tHE $1 MillioN KoENiGsEGG tREVitA MAdE iN sWEdEN; ANd AN ARRAy oF lAMBoRGHiNi, FERRARi ANd MAsERAti sPoRts CARs. PPG's REFiNisH PRoduCts ARE Also usEd By PRoFEssioNAl RACiNG tEAMs, suCH As tHE At&t WilliAMs FoRMulA RACiNG tEAM iN oxFoRdsHiRE, ENGlANd, ANd iN tHE uNitEd stAtEs At PENsKE RACiNG. LASt yeAr, De Leener PArtiCiPAteD in Six eurOPeAn rACeS, eArning three 10 th -PLACe AnD three 13 th -PLACe finiSheS in 20-CAr fieLDS. thiS yeAr, the fAther-AnD-SOn DuO PLAn tO rACe in eventS in eurOPe, ChinA AnD the uniteD StAteS.

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