Repaint Reporter

Repaint Reporter (v71 n1)

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no purchase necessarY. lEGAl REsidENts oF tHE 50 uNitEd stAtEs (d.C.) ANd CANAdA (ExCludiNG quEBEC), 18 yEARs oR oldER ANd WHo ARE A PPG distRiButoR PuRsuANt to sPoNsoR's stANdARd distRiButoR AGREEMENt. ENtER PRoMotioN By: 7/15/12. to ENtER ANd FoR oFFiCiAl RulEs, iNCludiNG PRizE dEsCRiPtioN, Visit tHE PPG MARKEtiNG oN dEMANd WEBsitE ViA WWW. PPGREFiNisH.CoM. Void WHERE PRoHiBitEd. sKill-tEstiNG quEstioN REquiREd FoR CdN REsidENts. oNE PRizE (ARV: $500 usd) AVAilABlE to BE WoN. odds dEPENd oN NuMBER oF EliGiBlE ENtRiEs. sPoNsoR: PPG iNdustRiEs, iNC., oNE PPG PlACE, PittsBuRGH, PA 15272. log-on now and register at PPG Marketing on demand— and you will be entered into the grand prize drawing to win $500 for use towards custom Marketing on demand services. Contest runs now through 7/15/2012. Visit site for complete details. LOG ON TODAY! GO TO PPGREFINISH.COM AND CLICK PPG MARKETING ON DEMAND. M A R K E T I N G O N D E M A N D $ 500 in Custom Services Enter to Win • Create customized marketing materials • Deliver your customized materials directly to a publication or printer • Order print materials from vendors and track their status • Access logos, images and radio/TV spots • Purchase media via the PPG Marketing on demand Media team SIGN UP HERE AND IT'LL BE EASY TO… 32

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