Repaint Reporter

Repaint Reporter (v70 n2)

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PPG RePaint RePoRteR VoluMe 70, nuMber 2 fAll 2011 executive editoR CristinA fronzAgliA cReative diRectoR t. Jon Worden desiGn diRectoR dAVe buffington desiGn staff MArk frAnCisCo JoHn JAnieC bob sAntoro ManaGinG editoR MereditH siMpson WRiteRs t. Jon Worden eli greenbAuM MArk Mueller CAtHy nelson PRoduction ManaGeR sHellie Hill contRibutinG PhotoGRaPheRs CHris Clor JoHn CuMMing toM fedrigo JoHn JACkson dAVid nufer ppg repAint reporter is publisHed by tHe AdVertising depArtMent of ppg AutoMotiVe refinisH. send CoMMents And questions regArding tHis publiCAtion to: ppg industries repAint reporter editor 19699 progress driVe strongsVille, oHio 44149 refinCoMMdpt@ppg.CoM or, fAx to: (440) 572-6880 looking for AdditionAl Copies of tHis ppg repAint reporter issue? liMited Copies Are AVAilAble ViA tWo eAsy WAys of ordering: 1) ConneCt to ppg CentrAl ViA or 2) fAx A CoMpleted AdVertising order forM to 1 (800) 982-9518 pleAse referenCe pArt nuMber on bACk CoVer dePaRtMents 4 inside line greg benckart, vice president, Automotive refinish usCA, elaborates on "bringing innovation to the surface." 5 teAM ppg up-to-date news and announcements from the world of ppg. 14 teCH tAlk bobby Alloway provides his tips for achieving a show-quality black finish. 20 in liVing Color upgraded PaintManager ™ software offers many new features for collision center managers and technicians. 28 tAking CAre of business strategic relationships have helped omaha's great plains Auto body increase performance and sales in a tough market. 30 ppg spotligHt penn College collision repair students tour italy. 32 gAllery eye-catching and notable examples of how ppg finishes are put to good use. 36 seMA 2011 A sneak preview of what ppg has in store for this year's seMA attendees. 6 MARKETING KNow-How fuels the growth and success of Michigan's Vision Collision 10 BoBBy AllowAy one of America's top custom builders 16 GRowING wITH PRECISIoN Washington state's largest mega-shop enterprise makes a strategic move to ppg waterborne 24 oNE-oF-A-KIND CHRySlER pfaff designs reinvents the '59 imperial as a two-seat roadster 20 24 10 3 On the COver bobby Alloway's very own '49 ford shoebox convertible powered by a ford racing Cobra Jet 460 engine

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